The Importance of Human Values in an Increasingly Technological World


The Big Idea: The beverages industry can use technological advancements such as artificial intelligence to help solve a range of issues, from climate change to product innovation. But human values must always be at the core of how it is used, to ensure technology serves humanity, not vice versa.


The machines aren’t coming for us… they’re already here.

In late 2022, the world awoke to just how far Artificial Intelligence had come. The launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT made what had been science-fiction for many of us into something much more real. It brought AI into the mainstream.

At first: intrigue and excitement at this technological marvel. Perhaps now we will enjoy the fabled Keynesian 15-hour work week!

And then: concern. What will this mean for jobs? Will the global labor market contract? Who will regulate AI? What if it becomes too powerful? What if it the machines take over? What if…

These are questions for academics, tech experts, and politicians. For what it’s worth, my personal view is that we will find a way to regulate and leverage AI and other technologies for the benefit of humanity, as we have done in the past with previous advancements.

And we will see this too in the beverage industry. But doing so successfully and sustainably means remembering the irreplaceable power of good old-fashioned human values.

An Industry Powered by People

AI might be able to outwit humans at logic-based boardgames, process complex data in the blink of an eye and even hold a conversation. But can it think and feel as a human? Can it show empathy? Compassion? Can it be trusted to do the “right thing”? Does it have the spark of creativity? For now, at least, while AI can mimic these things, the answer seems to be “not quite.”

These concerns – and the need to balance technological advancement and humanity – are particularly resonant in the world of beverages. We are an immensely intricate and diverse global industry with foundations in some of the most underprivileged regions of the world. This delicate ecosystem relies on strong human values to function. Values such as trust between stakeholders; long-term vision to collaborate towards common goals; empathy to understand consumers; and curiosity and creativity to develop new products. Without these, and more, our industry would wither.

And that’s why, however powerful technologies such as AI become, we must ensure they serve humanity, never replace it. Ours is an industry that must always be powered by people.

The challenges AI can help us solve

And if we get this right, there are plentiful reasons to feel optimistic about the role technological advancements can play in beverages and the many challenges they can help us to solve.

Sustainability is a key example. As you will read elsewhere in this magazine, we believe that our industry is facing the existential threat of climate change which, left unfettered, could spell the end of our industry as we know it. But technology has a big role to play in solving this challenge.

By using technology such as remote sensing, precision & regenerative agriculture, and advanced data analytics, we can help farmers to make informed decisions about crop management. The right tech can strengthen traceability, it can support the development of new varietals, and it can help increase energy efficiency and waste reduction.

Automation, leveraged in the right way, can also help us solve supply-chain challenges through improved demand forecasting, inventory management, supply chain visibility and Supplier Relationship Management.

In beverage innovation, AI can provide a new perspective on consumer preferences, and this is something we’re already using at Finlays to map flavor trends to develop products for our customers. Used in the right way, AI provides us with the tools to make even more delicious, sustainable, and differentiated beverages.

AI can also help us collaborate better, forge stronger relationships and offer more efficient customer service. But only if we place humans at the core of the ecosystem.

And that’s not to mention the inimitable wealth of human expertise and passion for which our industry is famous. Ours is an industry that thrives on lived experience and hard-earned, nuanced and often esoteric knowledge, whether it’s from producers, R&D specialists or tasters. These are skills AI can simulate and support, but cannot currently replicate.

James Woodrow

The way forward

As an industry, we are still in the foothills of using technology to transform the way we operate. And while natural beverages isn’t typically considered a beacon of dynamic transformation, it now has the opportunity to become one by empowering humans with new tools to solve very material, very immediate challenges.

As we enter this new technological era, the role of humanity has never been more important. The natural beverages industry must always be people first, technology second. I truly believe that we, collectively, have the opportunity to revolutionize our industry for the benefit of humanity as a whole, whether that’s improving lives and livelihoods, tackling climate change or delighting consumers anew.

The last word on AI, courtesy of Chat GPT

It would be remiss of me not to give the final word to the very subject of this article. So, I asked ChatGPT what it thought the future relationship between humans and AI would be. Here’s what it told me:

“The future relationship between AI and humans will be characterized by collaboration and augmentation, enhancing human capabilities in work, creativity, and daily life. Ethical considerations, education, and regulatory frameworks will be crucial in managing AI’s impact, ensuring it aligns with human values and societal goals for a positive and productive coexistence.”

Right back at you, ChatGPT!

For more insight and analysis, read the latest edition of 1750 here


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